Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


As seen on the news there has been a large number of refugees arriving across Europe seeking asylum. More than 1000 asylum seekers and refugees are queueing for the Brussels Office des Etrangers, and the situation is sudden and overwhelming for aid organisations.
 As a result there are people, including a large number of children, who are without shelter, food and other basic needs.  The Red Cross has organised a support effort to provide the refugees with these basic needs while the country finds ways to deal with the issue as quickly as possible. Regardless of the politics/conflict that has led to such a large number of refugees seeking protection, the simple fact is, right now, fellow global citizens are in need of support from those who are able to provide support.  We are in a position to be able to do so.

The above is the message that our school community received last week and the donations of blankets, tents, sanitaries and clothes has been overwhelming. The above is only a fraction of what has been donated.

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