
By HelsWels79

New coat (pre hair cut)

Ben's been a bit poorly these past few days with a high temperature and weepy eye. Hopefully today's the last of it so I had a morning with him.

We went to the big M&S near ours and i bought him a winter coat as it seems last year's is too small, swapped a lovely piece of jewellery Paul bought me for my b'day (if only I had different colourings it'd have been perfect) and then endured a Ben hair cut at the barbers. I was prepared with a laptop with Postman Pat loaded up and ready to go and talk of a biscuit when we got home. Still there were tears, demands to go home and I ended up sat on the chair, with him on my knee and both of us covered in hair.

I think the ultimate hair aim is for a scruffy do, a bit like that little kid from Love Actually that plays the drums!

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