
By DancingAly

Bed Mate

I missed Little B this morning! It was a bit strange waking up here, as I haven't lived at home for a month, since I departed for Spain! Not to mention that despite the sunny start, I woke up cold, and forgot how cold my house can be!

I was up and out early, and felt quite productive. I even used my new blender to pulp my smoothie, and prepped my fruit for the day. And even had time to stop at mum's before work and get to work early!

It was quite a good day, but I was glad to go home and left at 4pm. I came home and tidied my house. It felt a lot more like home I suppose once I got it all straight.

Mum and I walked Little B to the park, and he played with a dog of a little girl that used to be in my class. It was cool, and we went home and ate dinner.

I had a nice bath, Facetimed T, and then was in bed by 11pm. It feels a bit dull, but it might be nice to just chill at home rather than running around all evening ;-)

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