Boom Whackers and changing minds

Our staff conference was different this year.
We have a new CEO who is shaking things up , acknowledging past mistakes and encouraging - no ensuring- culture change in the organisation.

I loved the first 'act' on the programme which was a skillfully delivered message using lots of plastic tubes of different lengths all of which produced a different note when whacked . Orchestrated fun and music. I really enjoyed it.

The theme of the day was health and wellbeing and it was such a positive day. Lots of very serious work done too.

Nick Nairn did some cooking workshops and made people laugh , a consultant shared some intesteresting findings about organisational culture change and Dr David R Hamilton spoke about the link between our minds and physical health.

The message throughout the day was about 'being the change you want to see' and that everyone is responsible making positive change happen.

After 10 years 'in the wilderness' it seems that someone has a clue of how to engender positive values in this workforce and is working to create an organisation we are all proud to be part of. I definitely got the message.

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