Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Sleeping ...Bliss!

What a lovely sight this is!

Warm day today, afternoon walks in the woods for these two and then playing in water with toys when they got back. At the moment the filling of the tubs is is Cedar's favourite...remember the shepherds with the soda stream from the 70's...bit like that but with the obsessiveness and speed of a gsp.

This evening we have all been playing hide the treat bone and find it. The success rate was highest for the gundog boys, but Teal did find one...but under no circumstances would she be putting THAT thing in her mouth. She didn't have too as Cedar quite literally climbed over the top of her...that didn't go down too well either. Ted....bless....not the brightest had not a clue what was going on even after watching everybody. Lost cause!!!

"Signs of fatigue soon manifested themselves more and more strongly, and slowly the men dropped out one by one, from sheer exhaustion. No murmur of complaint, however, would be heard".

Fritz Kreisler

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