Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Puddle ready

I actually took these on Saturday but did the collage today.
Picked up some puddle/splash suits and new wellies ready for nursery and wet weather play. Went for 18-24 months in size think we possibly should have gone for 2-3 years instead.
We had tears Monday at nursery from both boys but they were as happy as Larry when I picked them up. Think our colds didn't help as they were fine at drop off at grandad's Tuesday and today.

Operation move house has taken a step in the right direction. Dad has dibs some painting for us and one of other houses in our street has sold after a week on the market as it was priced sensibly. So I'm going to arrange for ours to be valued ASAP and get the painting finished ASAP! Fingers crossed it sells.
I've also got an interview for a job in work, I won't get it as they already have a temp in the team it's in but it's good to know I'm still capable of getting an interview.

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