A right Royal Wednesday....

Dull and damp again this morning. Took the Lab down to the vet to get his booster jags. He took great pleasure in barking at everyone who came in the waiting room. Sitting there brought back childhood memories,as what is now the vet surgery used to be the Dr's surgery when I was a kid.
Went to check the straw on the way home,and the crowds were starting to gather for the Queen's visit to open the new Borders Railway. She was due to arrive on a steam train and stop at Newtongrange on her way to Tweedbank.
Decided against going for a look as in wellies and boiler suit again !
Caught some of the coverage on the BBC news at lunch time. Wee brother's mother in law was presenting people to the queen.
Went away to bale again about 4pm. The kids were out in force so baled a couple of  "sacrificial" bales for them to play with and dumped them next to the houses. It doesn't always keep them off the others,but seemed to work today.
Had them all hauled home by 9pm,so that is one more field cleared.
This is as near as I got to seeing the Queen today !

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