Oh I Say!

I am beyond tired! I am having a wonderful time with Ann - we are talking to, at each other, every minute, so much so we didn't get out of the house till gone 1  in the afternoon! But I am having a shingle hepatic neuralgia flair up  so am having to  numb the bees and headache with a cocktail of migraleve  and nurofen!
So a quick resume of the day! We went to Burrator Reservoir - to show her the Down tor stone row that Mydartmoorwalks had shown me - but I couldn't remember the way once there! So we just walked to rocky clumps ( I'm sooo sorry Mydartmoor and Gilesey! ) and took photos! Then back to the bridge and an ice-cream, more photos, back to the waterfall, which was actually made by water pouring from a pipe! loads of really awful photos! Convoluted route home as thought I knew where I was heading but really didn't and had to do a google map search on my phone! We were home for 20 minutes, time for me to syringe Milly with more antibiotics, she is so thin and although responsive not her self and I have a feeling she is going to slip away.  But Ann/AH14 did get a photo I just love of her  which she has just blipped here! Thank you Ann!
So then it was  a drive back to Tavistock for a meal with Gilesey and Darren at the best Chinese restaurant in town, appropriately called The Birds Nest! A really lovely meal in the best company! Talk of unions, work past and future, trips past and future! A rant by me against Prince Charles who notified me today that he has the rights to frack under my house as he has manorial mineral rights and has done since 1337 - I would contest his ownership of everything and anything, particularly the land under my house, the feudal, royal, land grabbing, money orientated, privileged ...........!!!!!!! Plus  I am even more annoyed, irate and ranting as if I wish to contest  I have to set out valid legal grounds which I don't think my statement above is!!
But moving swiftly on.....!
Did I mention sunrise Ann didn't get up till 9.45 today?!!!! Ha! 
Tomorrow is our blipmeet with mydartmoorwalks and D at my favourite place  - Trematon castle!!! I so hope they like it! 

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