
By loisbiz

Female Downy Woodpecker

I spent the morning working with my landscaper; we are attempting to make my yard easier for me to maintain so we can stay in this house. Our first project is to add a rock pathway so I can walk around and enjoy my garden safely.

Then I met with a a pension planner so we can start a better pension plan for our company; I want to have everything all set up before I leave the business. This plan is set up with a payroll service so it will be administered with only minimal direction by someone in our company. It will basically be on "auto pilot" taking care of all deductions, deposits, bookkeeping and tax filings. It will make it much easier for me to "let go" of the accounting. 

Then I continued on my quest to simplify my home by starting a major edit in my closet. I tend to hang on to things that I "might fit in again" or "might need someday" and I have shoes my daughter gave me when she went to college 23 years ago. This is a bit traumatic for me, but once it is gone I am assured I will feel like a weight has been lifted from me.    

I suppose I need this activity as a distraction from concerns for several people in my life who are suffering. There is nothing I can do to help them, except perhaps accept the things I cannot change and love family member just as they are.

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