Waterloo Road

I took this blip in the taxi on the way to lunch with some old friends from the department of criminology. It was good to catch up with them they made me very welcome when I was on sabbatical for seven months in 2010-11.

The four of us together made a group of professors so does anyone know the collective noun for a group of professors? Well it's a pomposity of professors, I rather like that. I used that line as a lead in to a speech where three of us profs were giving a small input. It went down well then!

Anyway the blip turned out ok, I think the taxi windows were cleanish and.it was busy so we stopped a bit more than usual.

Now I know it appears lazy to take a taxi into work but I have to conserve energy and so needs must. It's relatively cheap and efficient and I do get there and back quicker most of the time.

Tomorrow last two teaching sessions. I've survived and will be heading home Saturday night. When I come back in Octiber I have more time and the weather will be better so I hope to get out more. I am afraid my blip diary has closely followed the rather small parts of Hong Kong I have seen! I'll do better next time!

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