The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist


In the afternoon I went in search of a place selling xôi mít, jackfruit filled with brightly-coloured sticky rice and topped with coconut milk. I walked down a side alley from a busy street near my hotel and then followed a sign to an even smaller deserted side street where I found a metal gate to what seemed like someone's house with an electric buzzer, which I pressed. A lady answered the door but kept it pulled-to behind her. She went to get a man who spoke some English and he also kept the door closed. It seemed dodgy somehow and a bit like a speakeasy even though it had a big bright sign outside advertising their business. They went to fetch the jackfruit, I paid and left. 

On my way back I noticed the school opposite my hotel was particularly busy with parents picking up their children by scooter.

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