New Door Day.

Today we finally had our new front door fitted. It's hasn't gone totally to plan and we are not entirely happy with it but it's not quite finished yet. The carpenter is coming back tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed its finished properly.

I find work men in the house quite stressful! Can't wait for it to be done now. We have waited long enough! !

Luckily I had a day off today so I stayed out the way, pottering in the garden and making tea. Just add well because Alan (the carpenter) had to pop out to get some mortar (and a bacon buttie) AFTER he had taken the old door off and BEFORE the new one went on leaving the house wide open.

But with all the problems and delays, I'm so glad we finally got a bespoke, proper, wooden, front door.

And my Heart fits! !!

xXx ♡ xXx

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