Thursday: Palms

I am still adapting to my new camera but am really enjoying the freedom of not lugging the DSLR around the place.

Today has been relaxing. We took a drive round the island this morning and then mooched between the beaches in town - sitting on the beach and dipping in and out of the water. Our apartment is nifty. I'd like to say 1920s Bohemia, for which read old style apartment containing Grandmother's furniture.

The church clock outside our flat is very confusing - it seems be permanently 2 or 3 o'clock. Either that, or we are only aware of it on the half and 3/4 hour........

Extra photo tonight - a lovely couple we got chatting to and had a drink with - Lucy and Ezekiel, respectively from the UK and Argentina but backpacking round.......

P.S. As I have been typing this, the clock has chimed three times. I told you!

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