Seattle - Eastlake

Dirt - the lot that is getting built up up up - building is something that mesmerizes this woman - me I mean.

And - went to a lecture last night on a new book that describes beautifully the elimination of some of Seattle's major hills at the turn of the previous century, using water sluicing technique - not possible in most cities around the world as they unlike us are not built on glacial till - anyway, I have been drawn to that period of history and the changes wrought, the book is called Too High and Too Steep.  I looked down Lake Union this morning trying to get a fix on just how high that hill would have been, not as tall as the Space Needle which is in the midst of the area that was taken out, much of that dirt is in Elliott Bay of Puget Sound and can be seen with proper scoping devices.  

Gads I love this stuff - I used to teach and did grad work also in History.  Gets me stirred up!

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