Back In My Element

During winter, nearly all long car rides ended me up at the Dog Oasis, so I wasn't very keen on them. During summer, however, when I jump out of the car, we have most of the times been at the summer house. Or at Nora's. Both splendid and wonderful places for a miniature poodle like me! So I have learned not to mind car rides all that much any more.

A couple of sunny days had been promised, which meant that I was back in my bilberry forest this afternoon. I was allowed to munch away, because mum had brought a box and picked both lingonberries and bilberries in it. I also did lots of adventurous exploring, ending me up covered in spider webs, pine needles and brown leaves. Mum sighed, because of the bath, but really, how am I going to investigate properly if I have to look like a lady at all times? Mum laughed and said Let's blip it then, but I said no. I do want to look good for my friends.

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