
A momentous day - Asha's first day at school (see extra pic for the obligatory first day photo - a blurry version of!). She was so excited last night, she couldn't go to sleep! The excitement continued this morning, though she was a bit nervous (fair enough!), no tears different from her experience of nursery in Guildford - though that was nearly 2 years ago. We went and had coffee and did some work in the café next door, and 2 hours later picked her up, armed with 'well done' stickers! The teacher said she'd been fine and suggests we scrap the phasing in and go straight for full time from Monday. I am so so glad it's started well... Except for in the playground, everything will be in the moment she's stronger in Spanish...hoping and praying the Catalan will soon come...

Celebration play in the park (including a Monkey rescue operation, as blipped). Now for a quiet afternoon (whilst Danny leads a prayer walk for the last team of the season) before a meeting tonight in San An, and Ibiza Rocks to photograph Sigma! Whoop!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Such a good start to Asha's school life.
2) Having a chance to walk round the school area - so different from the rest of Ibiza Town (as is Sa Penya!).
3) All the encouraging texts and messages from people this morning - felt very loved!

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