On Some Days

By V1k1

New Chorus Boxes.

I was excited to read in this mornings paper that two more Chorus Boxes have been painted.  They both feature airmen from W.W.2.  The artist is Warren Houston from Rotorua who was an Air Force serviceman.  He had been waiting for these two boxes because they are on streets named for the pilots.  The area used to be the Rotorua airport and once the airport was moved the area was subdivided and the streets named for Air Force personal.  My parents lived on one of these streets and I had never made the connection until I read the article this morning.  I probably picked the worst time to visit this box.  It was in full shade.  The subject is Edgar James Kain DFC.  He was a New Zealand born fighter pilot with the RAF and the first to earn the DFC in W.W.2 and was a fighter ace.  Because of this early success he was a household name in Britain.  When he became physically exhausted he was ordered to return to Britain.  As he left the air field in France  he performed a series of low level acrobatics and crashed his Hurricane at high speed and was killed instantly on June 7th 1940. He was 22.
I found it moving to read through his bio on Wikipedia.  

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