Boat ride

Just on the city outskirts is a country park which was created just 15 years ago with a brand new broad as a result of sand and gravel extraction for the southern bypass. Bit of a win win win situation - the bypass got handy supplies, the landowners got lots of money and the city got a lovely new leisure facility.

We had a lovely walk through the meadows and woods and ate blackberries and chased daddy, then walked back along the lakeshore. A nice boat ride on the lake in the sunshine - though it was a bit windy. Enjoyed seeing lots of cormorants. Then we cycled back along the lake for a picnic lunch at the play area. One big climbing frame in the shape of a boat, and a very entertaining low ropes course in the woods too - which Matthew really enjoyed despite it being aimed at much older children.

He dozed off in the bike seat at we headed off for a lovely bike ride exploring lanes and villages nearby. Back into town for another park then a little rest at home before going out for tea at Frankie and Benny's - first time we've had dinner out I think and it was a success! He zonked out pretty quickly when we got home :)

Mike and I finally got round to a dip in the hot tub in the garden before our bedtime too.

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