Testing ...

Finally the weekend and time to meet friends, do some shopping and what better way to forget work but to look at some photographic lenses.

For a while now I've been thinking to a get a fixed focal length and big maximum aperture lens for my Nikon. I read around a bit and listened to a few reports. Today I had a look at the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (was also used to get this photo). I very much liked this lens. Great ability for low light, good depth of field and a fairly reasonable (I think ;-) price at 380 euros. Now I know I can get Nikon's 50mm f/1.8 for much less but I think I would be more comfortable with small focal length and the bigger aperture.

What is your opinion?

and with that I am back on a brighter note than the past few entries :-)

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