Hell Fire!!

Today we took son Chris to Heathrow Airport, dropping him off at 9:00am, to catch a flight to Thailand. Igor suggested we come back along the scenic route via High Wycombe and Aylesbury. Maybe a blip would present itself on the way. 

The Dashwood Mausoleum sits on top of a hill just outside West Wycombe. It’s easily visible from the A40 and I’ve seen it many times in the 40 years I’ve lived in Buckinghamshire. I’ve also heard about the Hell Fire Caves but I’ve never really given very much thought to either. As we passed this morning there was a dark brooding sky behind the mausoleum and sunlight shining on the trees on the hill underneath it. Perfect for a blip (extra 1). We stopped the car in a convenient lay-by and I took a few shots from the bottom of the hill. The shots were perfectly good enough but you all know what it’s like once the blipping head has been switched on. I wanted to get some closer shots.

Long story short - We ended up walking up the very steep hill to the Mausoleum and Church and taking some shots of the buildings and the surrounding countryside (Igor hadn’t brought his camera so we decided to share mine……….. not to be recommended!!). By now it was 11:00am and time for coffee and a snack. We ended up in the cafe of the Hell Fire Caves and from there couldn’t resist going in to the caves for a look round. 

It was a fascinating morning and now when I look up at the Mausoleum I will know all about it.

A few Wiki Facts about the Mausoleum and Caves:

Francis Dashwood, 11th Baron le Despencer PC FRS was an English rake and politician and founder of the Hellfire Club. He also built the Mausoleum and Church on top of the hill (Extra 1).

The caves were used as a meeting place for Sir Francis Dashwood's notorious Club in the 1750’s and 1760’s

Dashwood's club meetings often included mock rituals, pornographic materials and much drinking, wenching and banqueting.

The caves' striking entrance, designed as the façade of a mock gothic church and built from flint and chalk mortar was erected in around 1752 (Main Pic).

(Extra 2 is the toilet roll holder in the ladies at the cafe) 

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