Shame on me

We should have been at the wedding of Julie & Matt today and I was looking forward to taking lots of pictures of the happy couple. Today has probably been one of my worse days & so I'm "glad" we didn't go.

This weekend was destined to be very busy; on Friday we should have been at the funeral of a lady who lived up the Dene from us. Today was the wedding & tomorrow a christening of Austin who I pictured here a few days ago. C will probably go with N&R.

The whole weekend & beyond was supposed to be busy as it is also Heritage weekend when lots of places which wouldn't normally be open, open their doors to visitors. I notice that the Crown Court was open today plus there was a photographic exhibition of Aylesbury past & present & lots of other public buildings were open like the Blue Leanie & the museum (the bits you don't normally see) and all free of charge.

So today Matt & Julie got married & we wish them all the luck in the world.

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