Proud Weegie

By Shiv


10 am tour of Vatican booked.  A fascinating tour of the main apartments, the stunning architecture and frescos....all 3 hours of it.  It wasn't nearly enough.

Sadly the much awaited trip to the Sistine chapel, while beautiful, left me cold. Herded like cattle, shouted at to 'silencio' it didn't feel very spiritual.  The basilica was much better. More room, deeply moving, a story to be told for every niche, every alter, every tapestry or painting.  It felt like the Sistine chapel should have felt.

A metro trip to the colosseum and Palentine Hill.  I was transported.  Better than I thought it would be - despite the Selfie Sticks.

The weegie feet were sore, we took advantage of our 48 hr bus pass and spent a pleasant hour viewing the sightseeing highlights from the top of a bus.  The impressive Circus Maximus (where they filmed 'Ben Hur'....a big movie fav of mine!), and a brief glimpse of places to revisit tomorrow.

This is a stunning city. The mix of classy modern with ancient Roman architecture gives me goose bumps.  Wish we were here for a week.

Dinner was at the same place as last night because the complex carbohydrate pasta and cold beer was EXACTLY what we needed to restore us.

I've included a few extra photos.  Since I am rereading 'the agony and the ecstasy ' I have included a picture of Michaelangelo's Pieta...breathtaking in its simplicity and beauty.

Oops can't add extra pictures via iPad. Will add them on Monday if you pop back. Xxx

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