Got pooped, rained and disconnected...

Day didn’t start so good. I was already at the bus stop by 9am to get two of my luggages to my new place. As I was patiently waiting, i was taken aback by something that dropped on the side of my satchel. I instantly realized what it was. It was pigeon poop. My eyes widened as I knew it was not the last of it. I was not quick enough to move away from the spot and soon another pigeon dropping hit me right smack in the back of my head. I swear i could hear myself screaming profanity in my head the instant that it hit me. I lost my senses for a few seconds before taking my handkerchief out of my pocket and scooping a good amount of the poop from the back of my head. I could have cried right then and there but I gathered myself up and walked back to Minty to wash my hair. As i was walking back, I saw my bus approaching. All i could do was sigh.

When i got to uni later poop-free, i immediately headed towards my new place, dragging one heavy luggage with a not-so-heavy backpack on my back. As soon as I reached the Tesco junction, the rain poured so hard that I had to get shelter from a nearby front porch. By the time i got to the shelter, I was already wet. What was good about that rain was that it was fleeting (and this means 2 mins) and so I got to do my business once again in no time.

Returned again to the Leam/Minty after telling Jasmine how my morning went. I took another set of my things, went back to my new place, unpacked and returned again to Leam. By now I was already exhausted but I still have a lot of things to bring. Luckily, Kenny offered me a ride to bring all my things to my new place. So instead of having to go two more returns, i took all in one go with me.

Everything went well afterwards. Gone to Tesco to buy food. Cooked my dinner and ate it like i have never eaten for the entire day.  As I was about to settle and open my laptop to upload today’s blip, and as if the day was not bad enough, I found out that my laptop could not connect to the internet and i couldnt figure out how to make the connection work after several settings tweaks. My Androids can but my laptop could not. I hope tomorrow is going to be a better day than today.

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