Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Golden Hair

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair!"
They say that her eyes were as blue as the sky, and her hair was the color of cornsilk. Oh, wait, yes, it actually WAS cornsilk . . .   :-)

Two weekends ago, I had the privilege of visiting several members of my family, including my oldest sister, my mom and dad, my brother, and my little sister and her family. We had a really lovely visit and I nabbed some huge, gorgeous sweet peppers from my father's garden. (No, he does not eat them; he just likes to watch them grow.) I already featured the biggest, nicest red pepper in a little Dancing Girls photo shoot for blip.

But I wanted to do something more. One of my online friends commented that she so enjoyed my little series of pepper whimsies. I solicited ideas for additional photo shoots (yes, I'm always open to new ideas!), and she suggested a Rapunzel photo shoot.

In the meantime, the wonderful Pennsylvania sweet corn, one of the best treats of end of summer, has come and gone. We've bought several rounds of "roastin' ears," as they say around here. And most recently, I had the presence of mind to swipe and store some of the cornsilk for later.

My husband and I decided that on this rainy day, it was time to clean and cut up and freeze and store the peppers. Otherwise, they might go soft on us before we had a chance to use or store them. And so before we cut them up, I decided to feature the last big red pepper in its own photo shoot.

I have to tell you that I often get into more than I bargained for when I try to bring my photo ideas into action. The lesson learned from this one was that it takes much longer, and is much HARDER, to make a hair weave out of cornsilk than you or I might have ever anticipated. (Perhaps this has never occurred to you; in which case, perhaps my own experience shall inform us all . . . )

The individual cornsilk strands are a combination of gummy and slippery. They are tiny, and resistant to braiding; they break easily when handled. In the end, after minutes of trying, I gave up on the hair weave idea and simply tied one strand around all the rest. Voila, a blonde hairdo!

And so here we see our gang of friends enthralled by the lovely hairdo that the one Dancing Girl is wearing. Nobody has ever seen such long and beautiful hair on a Dancing Girl. (And perhaps nobody ever will again!) Enjoy, enjoy, all of these last treats of summer, including the long, beautiful hair . . .

I've picked not just one but TWO tunes to go with today's silly bit of whimsy. First is America, with Sister Golden Hair. Second is the song Hair, from the rock musical of the same name.

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