
By SusanWood


Anyone who knows me, knows that I must have some sort of gene mutation because I'm not mad about shoes, handbags, jewellrey etc. I don't really go there.

Usually this is fine - I get away with being a slobby mummy most of the time.

However, ocasionally we do actually go out! Tonight is one of those occasions and I have been up in the loft to fudge around for some footwear that doesn't involve laces or make a flip flop sound as you walk...........I found these. They were given to me by my mother-in-law for a family wedding once, and they make an appearance once a year or so!!!!

Anyway, tonight I will be wearing them with something or other to a Birthday Bash for the lovely Katherine Ellis Plus, Marcus has booked a hotel for the night and his mum is babysitting!!! What's going on!

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