Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Hanging Back

A bit of mono for Monday and maybe a bit moody too!! Breagh and I holding back while husband secures the sheep in the fank. Pip is watching from a closer perch just incase she can "help". We tried a pincer manoeuvre on two blackfaced ewes and their lambs today. They had been evading the gathers for most of the summer. Well best laid plans and all that as with the tide out I covered what was their main escape/evade route so they made a new one before I could even get near them with the dogs and went clamouring around the shore and into the next hill park. It was getting pretty warm and the dogs were still tired from yesterday so we decided to leave them AGAIN!!  My mood wasn't great. Been trying to organise going to a seminar in a couple of weeks time with a friend and its just turning into such a big fiasco because we live on an Island. GRRR. So that combined with being outsmarted by said sheep again and I was in a bit of a grump! Anyway found a chocolate bar in the pick up and with the sun shining have perked up a bit! Anyway got the rest in and took off the lambs and put them in the silage field, hand clipped the one ewe that came in with her fleece still on and then put the ewes back to the hill. All completed without too much drama.

17c 5mph NNE sunshine all day

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