blip disaster!

Uploaded this rubbish selfie earlier with a dull description of our day (nothing wrong with our day.... Eve faced her MMR vaccination like a true hero on the promise of a Percy pig lollipop being awarded for bravery and then we headed to Liverpool to inspect Abi's 40 week bump).

I then realised it was my 2000th and promptly deleted it as it wasn't worthy of the occasion. But the true disaster is that I failed to take a replacement pic as I was too busy with the real world so I've had to redo the same lacklustre blip! Slightly embarrassed about that!!

This saga is no reflection of my blip love, I assure you - I thoroughly enjoy my daily blip fix and I genuinely love the people behind so many of the journals on this site. I've decided blip is a most delightfully old-fashioned version of social media.

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