
By Poppy

Old photos

My sister, Clare, is having a busy time clearing out the family home, as Mum has now gone into a care home and the house has been sold.  Today she sent me an envelope of baby photos of me.  Being the first born they seem to have taken dozens of me!  Very few of the later siblings - obviously the novelty had worn off by then . . . !

This is a photo my aunt gave me when we met up in Rothbury.  I love it.  Laurie, my brother, is two years younger than me, so it must be taken in 1959. Mum and Dad look so happy, and I'm being entrusted with the camera/binocular case!

Mum is very happy in the home.  She had a month's trial and decided to stay.  She is more cheery than I've known her for many years, with no responsibilities she is able to relax and has no need to worry about anything.  

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