
By cowgirl

The colts

Benny and Biscuit.

When I began my afternoon job these guys were away being broken in. I was a bit worried about having them back, I though two 3 year colts would be a handful ( as any young uncastrated male can be! ) but actually they're no bother. In fact Benny, on the left, is one of the cuddliest of all the horses and gets very upset if I appear to ignore him. I'm not ignoring him, just sometimes I'm a bit behind so don't have much time for cuddles. I always give him at least a few seconds of attention, mostly because I don't have much option as he is literally ' in my face'!

Biscuit likes to 'help' by swinging my fork or muck bucket about! His owner told me today that he's had to have words with him for being too cheeky, but I cant say I've ever had a problem with him ( except when he stole my hat and rubbed in his poop! ).

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