Oh what a beautiful morning!

Oh what a beautiful day.........lovely blue cloudless skies (well almost!) warm sunshine too :-)

We took a quick trip to B&Q to purchase things to make a new shelf for in the airing cupboard, which will give us a new space to store all our grandaughters toys and games.

We then had a lovely hour or so sat in the garden, with coffee, hub read his paper, I watered and fed the baskets and tubs, which are sadly starting to show signs that autumn is creeping ever closer :-/

I went inside to make some lunch.......and when I picked up hubs plate to take it outside was dismayed to see that the clouds had rolled in, as forecast to be fair, but it had been sooo lovely, we were convinced they had it wrong.....shows what we know!!

We've just sat and watched the "new style" PMQs........sure it won't last!

We are off to collect Emily after school and take her home, so we can see daughters house now that it's all finished, some three and a half months on!

Today's blip was taken this morning, about a mile or so from home, thought I'd share it so you can see what a beautiful morning it really was. We should make the best of what weather we have left, whilst it lasts, don't you agree ;-)

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