Frustrated blipper

There is only one thing worse than having nothing to blip....and that is having too many things to blip but only being allowed one.

This was my idea for yesterdays blip....before my hot house friend appeared. I think I only just managed to get this before the light began to fade fast.

I love my Alliums....I heard a rumour that they are the most likely to be stolen plant/bulb and now I can see that maybe she is right. I only have about 5 in the garden but would love to have a load of them. These ones looked a bit scraggy the last 2 years but this year (after a bit of TLC) they have really bloomed and asserted their architectural prowess.

I feel slightly unwell at the thought of doing some study tonight....maybe over did it a bit yesterday. My new car is now insured sighs with relief and I did enjoy the celebratory meercat video the insurers shared with me at 1am when I eventually got round to sorting it out!

I'm excited about tomorrow as I get to visit a place where I haven't been for a couple of years (and miss terribly)....excited about the possibility of seeing some familiar friendly faces hopefully....

P.S If you are interested in alliums too my blip of the 28th May shows this one when it was emerging...quite a contrast!

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