Wednesday: Stari Grad

We moved on from Brac today and are now in Stari Grad, on the island of Hvar.  Stari Grad is but a hop, skip and a jump from Bol, where we were staying but because there is no direct ferry from Brac to Hvar, we had to make the 50 minute ferry ride to Split and then a two hour ferry ride back out again to Hvar, passing by the very island we had just left.

We have actually been very wary of visiting Hvar, having been put off by its reputation as a party island.  We are staying in the much quieter town of Stari Grad, rather than Hvar itself, and, so far, we are really impressed.  It is a real delight. We will have a look tomorrow to see what the rest of Hvar has to offer and to see whether our nervousness has been justified. In part, we have come to see what the fuss is about.


Holiday reading update: I didn't read much in the U.S. but have picked up a bit since being back and have read 'The Patriotic Art - Random Recollections Of A Mostly Diplomatic Career' by Martin Rickerd (quite entertaining memoirs by a recently retired diplomat - perhaps a little on the timid side), 'A Spy In The House Of Love' by Anais Nin and 'Cold Comfort Farm' by Stella Gibbons.  The latter has been on my reading list for ages - oh my word........if you haven't read it, read it now!  It is hilarious!!

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