The waiting game
The morning was lazy and gentle, the afternoon hot and a bit crazy. With Katherine's French teacher away, she had no lesson this morning enabling us all to have a slow start to the day. I had a teeny DIY job to do resulting from some carefree (I mean careless) cushion hurling last night... So once I'd pulled out all the broken glass from the window, scraped out the grout and measured the glass needed, it was off to the DIY store for supplies.
After a hot hour or so in the car (picking K up from art straight from the DIY store - and Mr B took the car that has aircon...) really the last thing I needed was 40 minutes at the top of a shuggly ladder on wobbly ground with a large piece of very thin and fragile glass... But I also don't want the house full of flies, let alone head-in-hands-husbands at my carelessness, so I got it done. Hopefully once it's all cleaned up (which I will do tomorrow morning before the sun gets round to that side of the house) it'll pass muster with the DIY boss when he gets back on Friday.
Here are K and pals at riding this afternoon. Sitting at the back of the arena means I can keep cool, but also means that all photos are sillhouettes. They were doing jumping today and their teacher was on top sarcastic form about their various failings. Katherine got it in the end and seemed to be quite enjoying it. Looks terrifying to me - but don't tell her I said that.
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