Capital adventures

By marchmont


Somehow I frittered the day away. It was summer in the morning but it had gone by afternoon.

Words read yesterday surge in and out of my consciousness. I'm trying to imagine what it looks like, but I don't really want to know.

Meeting this morning was followed by coffee and scone at the Hub, a massage (which barely hurt) and then 2 hours, yes 2 hours, trying to book train tickets. The eastcoast site is SO slow. I am now booking travel for November. N helpfully says it's not that far away.

We stopped at 5 and walked home both of us had had enough.

The evening has been spent doing, not very much and waiting for 'Silk'. #3 son has pinched my seat. He was concentrating very hard on Gryff Rhys Jones in Aber. he knows where the good chipper is.

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