The edge of the square

I thought I had better make the most of the fine weather and get on with completing the Pathwatch squares that I took on before we went away.

This is a relatively easy square, as it is just across the road from our house; in fact it has our house on it when I look!  So the paths are obviously ones we use often and know well. But, in the interests of research, I decided to check on one of them. This path starts from the road, as the Pennine Way, and then continues to take walkers round Dufton Pike. I walk this so often, but it was interesting looking at it differently and I was very pleased to be able to record the gate at the top that is tricky to open!!
So here I am almost at the edge of the square. The path can be seen wending its way up the hillside and usually I would have followed it further, but today I turned round at this point and walked back. The landscape has definitely the look of Autumn - the colour of the grass, the heather on the lower slopes.

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