Luggage Trolley

I had a splendid day out In Pickering today meeting up with JohnH1989 and Riversider for a mini blip-meet.

We started out with a coffee at the station buffet then after watching a train departure we wandered around the workshops and 'scrapyard'. Some fascinating renovation work going on there.

We walked up to the castle and then down to the church - and then wandered into the town for a late lunch (tea and scones for me!). A quick look at the bridge over the river and then back to the station to see another steam loco.

My photo is of one of the luggage trolleys on the platform - given a mild HDR treatment to 'age' it a bit.

All too quickly the day was over - JohnH  and his wife headed back to their holiday cottage before returning south tomorrow. Riversider headed home and I set off for Doncaster to babysit granddaughter this evening whilst mum and dad go to a concert in Nottingham.

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