Daily Wild

By emyjane

A Hopping September

This month is jumping by, can't believe it's the 18th already tomorrow!  This is of course, a meadow grasshopper, which have been very few and far between in the garden this year sadly, maybe they had a bad winter?  There  have been some years when the whole garden is heaving with them, but sadly, not this year!  Which is a shame as they're such characters!  Or certainly look like such characters!

We're off to South Wales tomorrow for a weeks long much needed holiday - going to a place I've never been before - and I am really looking forward to it.  My Birthday is on Saturday, so that's another reason we're going away for a special treat - we usually go to South Cornwall but the cottage we usually stay at was all booked up!  Anyhow - there's no internet there, so I will indeed disappear for a week, but hope to post some back blips once home!

:) xxx

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