In My World

By JoanneInOz

A Yellow Flowering Tree...

....for Anni's Flower Friday today. It was the best I could do, given the weather. It's like a hurricane out there (not that I've ever been in an actual hurricane, but you get my drift!) 

I took this photo early today, during light spits of rain,  hoping that the weather would improve, but no such luck, it started to rain more, the wind blew up, it's cold, and we even lost power for about an hour around lunchtime. Other than that, I've had a great day. :))

It's been fun at my place tonight, sitting in front of the TV with the football on, while three new blippers added entries to their journals ~ I introduced my son, Adam, two days ago, at AdamDotCom and his beautiful wife, Mary, has added her first entry to blip tonight, with a wedding photo of herself and Adam. The third new blipper is Mary's sister, Rachael, who was given a new camera for her birthday recently. If you have the time, I hope you can pay a visit to these three wonderful young ones journals, I think you will enjoy what they have all added today.

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