Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Mum and I were up stupidly early this morning (for me anytime before 9am is stupidly early) to go to an art class. Only it wasn't today, was it Mum?! It's next Wednesday!
I swear my parents are getting more senile with each passing day, if I wasn't so spongy myself I'd be concerned...

However, as we were already up and dressed and breakfasted and it was all beautifully sunny we decided to make the most of it and take a wee trip up to Ullapool. Lovely day for it :)

Oh and we saw a dead mountain llama.

(it may have been a sheep or a deer... but I'm choosing to believe it was actually a rare wild highland alpaca. Either that or a very large haggis.)

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