
By Angelique


And they also have this lovely plant which we are now going to grow here in Crantock. It is called a Tibouchina Urvilleana or Glory Bush.  We had one many years ago in Hampshire in a pot but of course being tender, brought it into the conservatory to over winter.

So we are hoping it will survive the milder winters here.  I also planted my Oleander which we have had for many years in a very large pot but as it hasn't flowered this year I realised it was pot bound.  We had to wrestle to get it out but it is now in a very large hole, sheltered by the house and next to the Glory Bush.

After so much work, we thoroughly enjoyed a trip down to the beach and was surprised to see the Lifeguard truck surrounded by water.  They soon moved rapidly before the strange Spring tide caught them out completely. 

In the village we went to an Italian evening at Highfield Café and it was very enjoyable.  Of course Phoebe came to as she sits so perfectly under the table.

Today we are hosting a dinner party for the only person in the village who has helped us.  So Watercress soup has been made, Tiramisu started and chilling in the fridge and the main course ~ Fish Wellington will be created later.

But we are going to sit on the beach at lunchtime with a cider and a pasty.  A little treat in the warm sunshine.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. xxxx

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