
By DancingAly


For my endocrinologist ;-) 

All was fine. I've had an overactive thyroid which returned after 4 years a few months ago. I've waited to see the specialist, as as it's a relapse, my doc said something else would need to be done rather than just take tablets again. So I was very worried as to what she was going to say. It was beautifully sunny this morning, and I made it there on time. My hands were shaking as I went in!

Her advice was to wait three months before making a decision, and she suggested I have radioactive Iodine therapy to destroy my thyroid I think. This will mean some time off school as I can't be in contact with small children. A friend at school had it and she had to take a month off. It's either that or have thyroid taken out, but that seems very permanent, and I'm not sure that's what I want. 

T was worried, and messaged me to check all was ok. I spent the evening dog sitting as my parents were out, and then I called T as he had Burger Night with friends.

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