Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

Awfully Magnificent? or Magnificently Awful?

Almost all of my landscapes include elements of Humankind's impact on the landscape, though few places show that people have made such a huge impact as Drax Power Station does, or bring both benefit and future disaster to the environment.
In a sense it is a testament to our incredible ability to turn nature to our purposes, and yet it also shows our irresponsibility to the future and the fate of our own children.
Father used to chastise me with an old and wise saying. when as so often happened curiosity had made me take something apart in the hope of understanding how it worked.
"Nothing is foolproof to the talented fool!"
When I grew up I  became an Engineer, and now in old age  I have come to believe there is no such a beast as an "Engineer"
We got no further than being "Talented Fools"

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