
By CharlotteJ

Lemesos StreetArt

After a lovely swim this morning / relax at the villa we decided to go to Lemesos to look at the new marina that opened last year.

We ended up parking some way from the Marina and  I am glad we did. The area we parked in, close to the old town, seemed full of street art (see extra) - Found it quite hard to choose a blip today!

We also watched a film crew filming and ad / commercial, so I took a few photos and (see extra) one of the camera men gave me the thumbs up....he was taking photos, his lens pointed at our I took one of him and gave him the thumbs up back!! 

We enjoyed a lovely lunch with wine in the old town and then found the marina....its lovely but very commercial with the normal fast food places.

We enjoyed a ice cream back at the old town and have just arrived back at our villa. 

Time for a swim, shower and then off to meet Serap for dinner.  Tonight is our last full night in Cyprus (flight tomorrow evening back to Gatwick)

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