splf...my story

By uknowme

Tootsie Pop Training

If I could, that is what I'd name my company. Don't really know how it started...but for YEARS I've taken Tootsie Pops to all my training gigs. Bags to TV stations, boxes to the military.

I do know WHY it is Tootsie Pops. Easy...peppermints and hard candy looks cheap or reminds people of the doctor's office...gummi or chocolate will wind up on my thighs...(I will eat them all!!!) but a Tootsie Pop is big, fun and people have to stay awake to pull it in and out of their mouth or they will drool. So Tootsie Pops it is!!! I don't really like them so eating the swag isn't a problem!!!

Wow this box has a ton of green ones!!! The up and coming trendy color/flavor I guess!!!

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