
By SophieCD

Blue light

I think I have to apologize. You start realizing people follow your post when you don't post for what, 4 days? So yes, I'm very sorry. Taking a picture a day is a real challenge in itself, but the processing part is also time consuming. I took the picture, but didn't get a chance to process and post them.

But people who know me well, will know that I'm a person who works great under pressure... During the past 4 days, I was a bit under pressure! I really had too create and finish a brochure at work so it could be send to the printer company before I leave on vacation! Yes!!! I'm off from work starting saturday! Yesss!!

Well back to this picture. I took this one about 30 min before it got too dark. I had no other picture already taken from the day, so I was a bit stressed about the picture of the day! I guess it's just the beginning... 26 of 365...

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