Community and Diversity

Another completely crazy stressful day but it ended rather well. I had been invited by Jez and Lisa of the Edward Street Bakery to hang some of my pictures on their big white wall for the open house they are running for the Saltaire Festival (scroll down their twitter feed and you'll see a shot or two). I had whittled my selection down to seventeen pictures taken around Market Square in Shipley, chosen to celebrate community and diversity. It's actually the first time I've had any of my street photography printed up and I was rather astonished to see how good they looked.

I'm not sure how I chose the number I did but they fitted the space perfectly and the selection of pictures seemed to work very well. If you're local then they are open all day Sunday and their food is sensational. There is also local beer and coffee. Hopefully I can grab a blip of the scene when I pop over tomorrow.

For today, though, this shot seemed to resonate with my theme extraordinarily well. That's Market Square for you. 

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