The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

All tomorrow's parties

Today was spent in the hinterland between yesterday's party (a poetry gig followed by an evening in the Ale House in the company of T, from Stroud, who turns out to be another blipper, GuttedArcades) and another party that will take place later this year. It was a clumsy, bumbling land, where words and thoughts were jumbled, coated in a snail trail of porridge.

I'd planned to go to town and carry out an ambitious list of tasks, but CleanSteve suggested a trip to the Severn Vale instead. He loves to watch the wild bird life from the banks. I was busy going nowhere: up at 7, but still staring into space hours later, so I hung up the washing, threw a bag of clothes into the car, and we set off. I dozed in the sun on a rug when we got to our destination, a bend in the river near Epney. Every now and then I woke up and found I was covered in little brown critters that looked like leeches. We had 'parked' our rug on the footpath, and CleanSteve chatted to every passing walker about bird life, while I tried to read the New Statesman book reviews.

Eventually a fisherman with a trap-style net, as used in the Severn, drove past and showed us the net, and talked about Lampreys, and Sea Bass. and Egrets. He even said there were three Snow Geese on the far bank of the river. Really?

We packed up, leaving the leeches behind, and drove back to Stroud. I had to try and find an outfit to wear for the November party. Amazingly, the first shop I went to had a dress that matched the bright colours of the coat I'll be wearing! I bought a scarf, too. The ensemble is complete.

When I got home I put all the clothes away and managed to prune my wardrobe a little. Many of my garments came from bargain basements or charity shops, so they can go back there! I made Thai red curry in the slow cooker, and threw some flour, yeast, etc. in the breadmaker. It will be ready around midnight....

So, not a bad day, but it's amazing how just three bottles/pints of (not strong) cider or perry can turn my brain to wallpaper paste. Some might say, a stupid way to get stupid, but that's not counting the enjoyment. Now, excuse me while I go to bed, because I 've realised that I have to go out to work tomorrow morning.

I liked the curve of the stubble field, which for me is the point of this shot. I was standing with my back to the river, on the East bank. The song title, All Tomorrow's Parties, just popped into my head when I was thinking of blip titles.

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