Cathedral Ledge, North Conway

Drove up to North Conway in the White Mountains of New Hampshire this morning. Stopped to see Naples on the way (and lived to tell the tale); this one separates two vast stretches of water in the Sebago Lakes area.

We've met so many friendly people already in our few days here. At Naples a man walking his dog filled us in on the geography of the area and the arcane rules of baseball, while at lunchtime we got chatting to a couple who were facing a two and a half day drive home to Georgia. Such journeys seem incomprehensible when you come from England.

This afternoon w drove up to the vantage point of Cathedral Ledge just outside of town. This rock face is popular with climbers (you can just see one bottom centre of the picture) and we spent a good while admiring their courage and skill before driving sedately down to enjoy the sun at Echo Lake.

Staying in a very cosy, quirky and friendly B&B here

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