Tarawera Times

By Megl

Meet Digby

Sarah arrived at the lake this afternoon for a few days at their holiday place, and brought her two dogs Bertie ( a Foxie)  and Digby who is a Labradoodle and about 4 months old...and is sooo cute. Didn't have a chance to take any photos last time he was down, so in between the showers managed to get a few shots, found him very hard to photograph as his dark eyes are hidden by his dark coat, so ended up using a bit of flash. I have added a more typical shot as an extra.

Still can't get over the World Cup rugby game this morning when Japan beat South Africa, which was a real "David and Goliath" clash. Didn't get up at 3am though...watched the taped version over breakfast. It has really brought the tournament to life.

Thanks everyone for all the comments on yesterdays lake view...such a different day to today.

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