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An oId style 'bunny' photo today in honour of an old style politician. I rather like the fact that Mr C from Islington decided to attend to his local constituents rather than attend the rugger. More 'man of the people' than 'man for the people' is the immediate media cry but I'm rather enjoying the fact that they just don't get him. In turn he's dancing, but not to their tune.
It must be infuriating for the Murdoch minions. In America I see Mr M is hoping for another billionaire to challenge Donny Trump. The US remains a country where money speaks loudest. Murdoch said:
“With Trump becoming very serious candidate, it's time for next billionaire candidate, Mike Bloomberg to step into ring,” Murdoch wrote on Twitter. “Greatest mayor.”
This western society is pretty sick when millions literally suffer whilst the billionaires plot their power games. I really detest it and the fact that it's presented as democracy and in the name of deity. Really? Is that all we've got?
Here in the UK, socialism is bubbling and I can't help but wonder if a good fillet of social welfare is exactly what we need to keep us human.
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